Monday, October 24, 2011

Why Does it Matter?

Read any story that we haven't read yet and write a review of the story and explain why it matters. Why should anyone care about the story/read it?

The Ganges and its Tributaries by Christopher Cyrill

This story is about the rituals and feelings that the author's family brings to their home and life within Australia from India and how they create the essence of India within their Australian home.

This story matters and is one that people should care about or read as it gives a different culture perspective of immigrants who come to Australia, not just Asians but in this case Indians. This story reveals to us many of the rituals and beliefs that the author and his family have and how they incorporated their heritage into a new country and home just like many other immigrants to Australia. 
The author tells us about how his father created the map of India out of wood and indicated important places on the wood map. This reveals to us the sense of belonging that many immigrants have to their home country and that they have the same feelings and emotions as we do towards our country.
The author’s religion has many rituals and beliefs that must be incorporated into his home and daily life. This gives the reader a better insight into how people such as Indians who follow their religion of Islam and helps us to eliminate our stereotypical feelings towards these people because of that.
The importance of this story is to give the reader an insight into the author’s life and how their family deals with their new home and incorporated their religion into their daily lives and created symbols of remembrance towards their heritage and old country.

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