Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Heroes and Villains in Life is Beautiful

1. In this scene, the Nazis come into one of the rooms that is holding Guido, Joshua and some of the Jews. One of the Nazis soldiers asks if there is anyone who can speak German so he can explain the rules at the concentration camp. Guido puts up his hand, even though he can't speak German and explains the rules of the game to the rest of the group and Joshua so Joshua will believe that the game is actually real.

2. The hero in the scene is Guido because he is the one brave enough to translate the words 

The villains of the scene is the Nazis as they are in front of everyone and separated from the rest of the group, they are higher up, they have weapons and organised together. They are yelling at everyone, ordering and controlling everyone.

3. The techniques that are used to separate the heroes to the villains are they separate the Germans to Guido by a crack in the door to shows good and evil and the strength and power compared to the weak and smallness of Guido. 
They also show Joshua elevated of the floor while the rules are being spoken which shows how important Joshua is to Guido and the innocence that the children had throughout the holocaust.
Through the scene the shots get closer and closer between Guido and Joshua showing that Guido is talking directly to Joshua.

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