Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Boy in the Striped Pj's Chapter 3 Questions

  1. Describe how Bruno and Gretel's relationship is introduced in the chapter. Bruno and Gretel's relationship is introduced by telling us how Bruno feels about Gretel which he doesn't want to admit but he is scared of her. Bruno also thinks that Gretel has some nasty habits such as spending too much time in the bathroom or leaving Bruno outside.
  2. List quotes that show how the new house is described. 
  3. It was very hollow and he decided that he better not go jumping around this house too often or it might collapse around their ears. What is the significance of this quote?
  4. What is Bruno's reaction to the new house? Bruno's reaction to the old house is that he still doesn't like the house very much but he wouldn't mind being there for a few weeks so he can be away from his sister's friends. 
  5. How does it compare to their old house? It is very small and not very well maintained unlike the old house which has many rooms and was always maintained. The old house also had many things to do to occupy Bruno such as the banister or the stalls out on the road unlike the new house which is deserted and all on its own with nothing fun to do besides explore the surroundings.
  6. How does Gretel relate to her father? Gretel relates to her father by controlling her brother and talking to her Bruno in the same way that her father does.
  7. Does Bruno understand where they are? What makes you believe this? Bruno does not understand where they are because he seems to think that the children are just random children and that he doesn't know what his father does.
  8. Does Gretel understand where they are? Explain. Gretel does understand where they are because her reaction to Bruno talking about the children and then her being scared of looking out the window suggests that she may have been told about where they are and what is happening there.
  9. How is Bruno's description of 'Out-with' represent a motif? What is darkly ironic about this? Bruno's description of 'Out-with' represents a motif as he described and says what he thinks about the house which is written about throughout the book and is darkly ironic because he does not like the house compared to his old one and everything about him makes him nervous which is exactly like what Auschwitz would feel like when the concentration camp was there.
  10. Read pgs 27-29. How are Bruno's and Gretel's reaction to 'the children' Bruno sees through the window different? What does this tell us about these two characters and their perception/understanding of where they are? Bruno's reaction to the children is completely different to Gretel's reaction to 'the children' as Bruno is curious and does not know much about the children whereas Gretel is frightened and worried at the though of children being out in the landscape. This tells us that Bruno's perception and understanding is one of innocence and has no real idea why they would be there whereas Gretel appears to have knowledge about the children which takes away her innocence on the matter.

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