Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Holocaust Imagery- Hitler at a Nazi Rally

  1. How are vectors used in this image? What effect does it have? The vector lines in this image are firstly used by having all of the soldiers holding up the Nazi sign which draws our attention down to the focal point of the picture which is Adolf Hitler. The other vector lines are of the thousands of people lined up along the aisle to see Hitler. This use of vector lines which are so perfectly straight and which lead our lines to Hitler reflect the way that the Nazis thought and to show how much they had to respect their leader.
  2. Describe the composition of the image and what is tells us about the Nazis and Hitler. The composition of the image is about how the thousands of people are together but leaving a giant line through them to let Hitler and his associates and the Nazi soldiers who are standing perfectly straight holding up the Nazi symbol as Hitler walks through which tells us that Hitler and the Nazis were perfectionists and that everything they did had to be perfectly straight and nothing can be out of place with their discipline. This also shows that the Nazis dominate over everyone.
  3. How is symmetry used? What effect does it have? The use of symmetry is used to show that the crowds and the soldiers are perfectly symmetrical to each other which makes us look to the focal point of the image that is Hitler and his associates walking through the crowd.
  4. What effect does this picture being in black and white have? The effect of the image being in black and white is to show that the soldiers and the Nazi party are in black who control everything there and the crowds in white to show how they are not as important.This picture drains all the colour and happiness out of the picture which is what the Nazis do. They difference in the black of the Nazis and white of the crowds to show how the power was of the Nazis and how they abused it when they could have helped bring Germany back to being a powerful, wealthy nation.
  5. Discuss the use of line in this image. What effect does it have? The lines are perfect and are all symmetrical to each other. This effect makes us draw our focus to the focal point of the picture and the Nazi power ascending to power.

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