Saturday, September 3, 2011

Boy in the Striped PJ's Chapter 15 Questions

 1. Why doesn't Bruno like Kotler? What does he observe and not understand about Kotler when his father is away? Bruno does not like Kotler because he never smiled, he looked like he was always trying to find someone to cut out of his will, he addressed Bruno as 'little man', he was always in the living room with Bruno's mother making her laugh and he kills dogs and Gretel always acts strange around him. Bruno observes Kotler as being man of the house when Bruno's father is away and is trying to help his mother get ready for the surprise party which Bruno doesn't understand is a kind thing to do and is merely trying to help.

2. What is meant when Kotler uses the cliche 'Don't worry, this one knows which side his bread is buttered on.'? It means the person he has talked to knows what has to be done and in what particular way something has to be done.

3. How would you describe the interaction between Kotler and Bruno? The interaction between Kotler and Bruno is very different between everyone else. You can tell there is tension between them and that  Bruno tries to show his dislike of Kotler and Kotler always sarcastically makes jokes towards Bruno and thinks of him being a little boy who doesn't know what good for him. They both try to be friendly to each other but because of Kotler's dominance over Bruno it makes it very hard for them.

4. What surprise does Bruno get? Bruno gets a surprise when he meets Shmuel in there kitchen who is cleaning the glasses for the party tonight. 

5. How is juxtaposition used when Bruno compares his hand to Shmuel's? Juxtaposition is used when comparing Bruno's and Shmuel's hands as Bruno's are very clean and healthy as he is a German whereas Shmuel's is very dirty and skeleton like because he is in the concentration camp as a Jew who isn't being fed very much.

6. Does Bruno understand the pressure that Shmuel is under? Bruno does not understand the pressure that Shmuel is under because he talks to him casually like they are on opposite sides of the fence and he then offers him food as if he is a guest where he has been ordered by a Nazi to not talk unless spoken to and to clean the glasses.

7. What dramatic situation unfolds and what is Bruno's reaction? Bruno gives a couple of pieces of chicken to Shmuel who eats them and then Lt. Kotler walks in and notices that the two boys have been talking to each other and Shmuel has eaten some food which Kotler becomes very angry about and asks Bruno is what Shmuel says is true but Bruno lies and says that he has never seen Shmuel in his life because he is scared of Lt. Kotler and what might happen if he told the truth.

8.What does Bruno think of himself because of the way he reacts? How is the major theme 'fear' portrayed in this scene? What does it do to Bruno and Shmuel? Bruno thinks of himself as being the worst and meanest friend in the world. The theme of 'fear is portrayed in this scene because when Lt. Kotler wants to know what has happened, Bruno who was helping a Jewish boy lies so that he will not get punished for it by the Nazis which is theme throughout the book of people like Bruno helping the Jews like Shmuel but whenever a Nazis gets involved the essence of fear comes into play and Bruno is scared to do anything. This fear breaks Bruno's and Shmuel's friendship and they do not see each other for a while.

9. What does Bruno say that prompts Shmuel to offer his hand in friendship? How is this symbolic? Bruno says he is sorry and he says to Shmuel what Bruno was thinking all of last week about how he acted when Lt. Kotler came in and how he was a coward and would never do that to his friends. This is symbolic because it means that Bruno and Shmuel are starting to really become good friends but also Bruno is starting to become less innocence and more aware of the people around and what his actions cause for other people.

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